Winter in Wadi of the Elephants

Winter in Wadi of the Elephants


I started photographing this series in the summer of 2018. Following an escelation in the security situation here in the western Negev, also named the Gaza Envelope Stettlements. Responding the the urgency of the land and emotions I chose to address the area surrounding my Kibbutz, an area tightly packed with political and personal layers, memories old and new.cateI begun mapping the woods, hills and wadis, blooming flowers and rainfalls, to a “plant identification book” of sort, but of personal and local collective memories and meanings. I was interested in the delicate and subconscios ways we are connected to our surroundings and the ways they are imprinted on us. The asthetics was dictated by the harshness of the Israeli afternoon light shattering through the lens. With time I begun thinking about underwater topographies as an emotional arena I wish to explore. This seried was exhibited at the Fresh-Paint Art Fair in Tel Aviv as part of the Independent Artist Greenhouse. Later on it was shortlisted for Sunny Art Prize and exhibited in London. Parts of it showed twice at the Royal Academy of Arts- London.


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